How to create a special barcode with a logo from your image in the middle QR

QR CODE has become a very popular tool and has many uses. You can use a barcode, for example, to share Wi-Fi access without having to type in a password, or for quick access to your social media accounts.

In today’s explanation, we will learn to create a free barcode. And according to the request of many users about how to create a barcode with a custom image in the middle that you choose, specifically we will explain how to add your personal image inside the barcode. See the following image to see what the end result is.

Convert image to barcode for free
Convert image to barcode for free

A lot of YouTube creators and celebrities use this method to create a special barcode embedded with a selfie in the middle to share with their community.

This method will be very useful to you, especially if you want to create a unique QR code that is just for you. You can create a QR Code for your Facebook with your own photo, or create a QR Code for your Instagram with your own photo. Or create a barcode for a website with your personal photo

QR CODE has become a very popular tool and has many uses. You can use a barcode, for example, to share Wi-Fi access without having to type in a password, or for quick access to your social media accounts.

In today’s explanation, we will learn to create a free barcode. And according to the request of many users about how to create a barcode with a custom image in the middle that you choose, specifically we will explain how to add your personal image inside the barcode. See the following image to see what the end result is.

Convert image to barcode for free
Convert image to barcode for free

A lot of YouTube creators and celebrities use this method to create a special barcode embedded with a selfie in the middle to share with their community.

This method will be very useful to you, especially if you want to create a unique QR code that is just for you. You can create a QR Code for your Facebook with your own photo, or create a QR Code for your Instagram with your own photo. Or create a barcode for a website with your personal photo.

How to make a special QR Code.

To make your own QR code from your personal photo, we will use the online QR barcode maker program through a website called . This site allows you to convert your photo into a cartoon inside a barcode. Here are the steps to create a barcode.

  1. Enter the qrtoon barcode generation site directly by clicking here.
  2. Click on the “Try Web App” button to start generating qr barcodes.2
  3.  Enter the link you want to share inside the QR code (example: your Facebook account link) and then click on “NEXT”.3
  4. Choose and upload your personal photo that you want to convert into a barcode by clicking on “SELECT PHOTO”.4
  5. That’s it, you can now download your barcode file by clicking on the “DOWNLOAD” button and you can now share your barcode in any way you want.
  6. The QR code will be ready in PNG image format, so we can save it in the phone memory when we need it or upload it to Google Photos, Google Drive or any other cloud storage and access it from any device. For practical purposes, it works like any other QR code.
  7. How to read a qr code with your mobile phone
  8. Finally, to try the barcode that you made, here is how to easily scan the barcode in the image. You can read your barcode from any barcode camera program available on your phone. But if you do not have a barcode reading program, you can browse another article on Android Mix that talks about the best barcode programs for Android and iPhone from here .
  9. The best barcode reader apps for Android and iPhone and how to use a barcode reader
  10. Did this method help you to create your own barcode? Tell us in the comments section if the explanation was useful to you. Also let us know if you know of other ways to make a barcode.
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